Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Was walking around my neighborhood today when I saw him.

He was sitting at the foot of the pedestrian overhead bridge. His right arm was malformed, probably from a birth defect, and all that is left is a short piece of skin dangling from his shoulder. Otherwise he was normal-looking. His left arm was outstretched. Some passerbys stopped to give him money, some walked past without giving a glance.

Then something struck me. The thing that was the most crippling for him was not his birth defect.

It was his lack of education.

With a proper education. He would be able to read, and write. He would be able to use a computer. He could draw. He could paint. He would have a job. He would not be sitting at the foot of the bridge begging...

Sometimes I feel that I'm lucky that I have the opportunity to have a proper education. Ignorance is terrible...

posted by nwxiang at 9:20 PM |