Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Exciting dream

Few days ago, had this dream that I was a HO/junior MO in the hospital. A patient collapsed in the ward, and I called code blue. Jumped on the patient and started CPR. CPR CPR CPR. Den the resus trolley came. Attach cardiac monitor leads. VFib rhythm. Charge. Clear! Shock. No vitals. CPR CPR CPR CPR. . Charge. Clear! Shock. No vitals.

Ok I know I missed out large chunks of the advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) protocol... budden its just a dream ok? I would be damn mad to be able to recall the whole ACLS while sleeping (-_-"). So lemme carry on describing.

Yup. So after a few cycles, somebody (nurses or other doctors maybe) just said stop. But I kept going on CPR-ing and shocking like a maniac... CPR CPR CPR shock CPR CPR CPR shock..... while the others kept saying stop...

Den. Sinus rhythm returned. The pulse returned. The patient woke up. And it was all so freaking intense that I just broke down and cried.

One hell of a dream. Shiok.

posted by nwxiang at 11:21 PM |