Thursday, June 14, 2007
I thought...
..that I needed a wide open black sky twinkling with stars to find that calm... but I happened to chance upon this photo, which brought a smile..
Looking at this photo really reminded me of the Hwa Chong days... doing all the stupid things together.. like always going to toilet during Mr Teo's class, clowning about in the lab, playing basketball while other ppl were having S papers, mugging together, going out after sch in sch uniform, eating and chatting until damn late at Prince, tokking crap in lectures (until forget to take down notes), and sitting down at the class bench and niao-ing the hell out of each other... it is as if it was just yesterday.. the memories so vivid..
And now, we are all over the place (the world even), all doing different stuff now... how rare it is to have a chance to sit down together again... Hey Pear, its gd to have u back... (and it's one of the rare photos that Wenx is smiling..or at least half-smiling..) looking forward to the next time we can sit down again and talk our hearts out..
And perhaps with that little bit of nostalgia, I shall be able to find enuff peace to sleep..
posted by nwxiang at 1:49 AM |