Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Receptor - Ligand Interactions

One type of ligand can bind to one type of receptor, leading to a type of response.

One type of ligand can bind to one type of receptor, leading to a variety of response. (Think adrenaline on beta receptors on different cell types)

One type of ligand can bind to different types of receptors, leading to more varieties of responses. (Think adrenaline on alpha and beta receptors on different cell types)

Different types of ligands can bind to the same receptor, leading to different responses. (Think adrenaline and propanolol on beta receptors)

Different types of ligands can bind to different receptors, leading to a almost infinite variety of responses. (Think of everything)

This is why biology is so freaking complicated.

This is why life is so freaking complicated.

Nvm. I'm sprouting nonsense...

posted by nwxiang at 10:17 PM |

interesting.. probably the most intellectually engaging passage that i have read so far since the last few months.. heh.. keep on posting! :D
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