Tuesday, December 05, 2006


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A shot out of the kitchen window one night when I was unable to sleep (becos of a headache). Sorry for the bad composition because I dun have a tripod.. Could only rest the camera on the window sill while using 30sec shutter.. Hence the ugly wall and window panes..

Looking at the night sky into the vast blackness of infinity just makes one feel so small... And those little spots of ethereal light makes my mind wonder... how far away are these stars? How long did it take for the light to reach me? 10years? Or a 1000years? Do these stars still exist? Is there life out there? Is there a purpose to this vast infiniteness that we call the Universe? Sometimes I try to think of answers. Sometimes I just let the wonder wash over me...

Sometimes I also wonder whether anyone else is looking at the sky at the same moment, thinking the same thoughts.....but i guess not bah..only I'm so boliao..

posted by nwxiang at 8:52 PM |

Ooo... you took a nice picture of the Orion constellation, my favourite! =)

oops...i did that unknowingly...hahaha
composition's not really bad u know, the window and walls projects tt i'm-looking-out-into-the-universe kind of feeling..
just tt due to e long exposure, the outline of the wall is slightly jagged due erm i dunno diffraction of light..
did u control iso?
i think i just left iso on auto..
hey, it's beautiful. and you know it. you are not alone in thinking those questions. Just that most of the time we are too busy to look up and appreciate how wonderful these things are. :)

hihi.i also got look outside into the night sky also larh ahha.bed facing the window so in the end still will see the sky no matter how many angles i turn.ahha.except maybe i am facing the other part of the neigbourhood sky...lol.
glad to know i'm not alone...so many 知音s... haha =)
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