Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Twisted perception

Actually I wanted to post this quite sometime ago, but I decided against it, not wanting to ruffle feathers. But I'm sorry. I can't hold back anymore.

You know, sometimes along the way I stop to doubt myself. I question myself. I struggle with myself. But everytime, I carry on. Maybe its my stubborness; maybe its my pride; maybe its my stupidity, but I choose to believe what I see.


You miss a lot of things when you are not in someone's shoes.

And to my friends whom I trusted enough to confide in: I'm disappointed.

Lesson learned: when your friends can't keep their mouths shut, keep yours shut. Go and confide to the wall instead.

But then. Even walls have ears.

Time will tell who is right and who is wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I will be hurt, but in the end, it is still my choice. I'm prepared to be hurt. Stupid, you might say, but you are not in my shoes. 孙燕姿一首歌里面的歌词 "幸运的人别说废话". 等着瞧吧.

posted by nwxiang at 8:53 PM |

Do what you must
Think what you like
Dream what you hope
Love who you love
Say what you mean
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