Sunday, August 06, 2006


Trust is something I value a lot in my friendships. I trust my frens a lot and in return I hope for theirs. That is why I feel very hurt when someone lies to me or is unable to keep a promise. That is also why I (used to) be very pissed when my frens are late for meetings. Cos I see it as a breach of trust. I trust you to keep your promise to meet me at the agreed time, so I wake up early, settle my things so that I can step out of the house in time, estimate my travelling time - all to make sure I meet you at the appointed time. So I'm not happy when the other party doesn't make an effort to keep the appointment. But I'm used to it by now. I purposely slow things down so I arrive 10mins late. Anyway, that's not the point of my post.

In terms of human-human interaction, I'm the passive type. I do not warm up to people fast. I tend to keep my opinions to myself around people I'm not close to and let the conversation just flow along. To quote QY: "I'll probably think he's a very dao guy (referring to me) if I didn't knew him". But around my frens, I share my tots more openly. I trust my frens not to share my secrets with others and I return the favour. Yes. I do not tell another person and say "This is ______'s secret. You are the only person I told. Please dun tell others." Sometimes I agree with some things, sometimes I disagree. Around acquantances or strangers, I tend to keep my mouth shut. But around frens, I will tend to voice them out.

Maybe sometimes its the words I use. Maybe I'm just not good at expressing myself. So sometimes I offend ppl when I disagree (another reason why I dun like to say my tots). But the thing is, we are friends because I am able to accept the differences between us. Even if I do not agree with your actions or opinions, I do not see you as a lesser person. In fact, I respect you for having the courage to voice out some of your deepest thoughts. And I value that trust, the trust that you have in me for you to share your thoughts and opinions with me.

posted by nwxiang at 11:42 AM |