Friday, May 19, 2006

Black, White & Gray

This is how we often like to see things:

People in general like to give definitions to things. Black and white; good and bad; right and wrong; guilty and innocent; hot and cold; clever and stupid; happy and sad; tall and short. We like to define because it makes things easier to classify, quantify and analyse.

A perhaps more enlightened view of the world around us would be like this:

Because many, if not all events that happen around us cannot be clearly separated into 2 extremes, hence we acknowledge the existence of the "gray area". A spectrum thus appears between the 2 poles.

Finally, in nature, we observe the following pattern:

Definitions and meanings created by Man have no significance in nature. 'Black' or 'white' are merely words created for ease of communication and classification. You can call a 'black' object 'white' - it makes no difference. Definitions and classifications are not inherent to nature. In nature, extremes are not tolerated - there is only balance. In any event that balance is disrupted, the environment will attempt to correct the fault. Thus, it can be observed that particles diffuse from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration; higher energy objects/regions will transfer energy to lower energy objects/regions (eg. thermal transfer); all physiological systems work on the fundamentals of negative feedback; any substance in excess will be toxic to the body; any deficit substance that the body requires will result in death.

posted by nwxiang at 12:10 AM |