Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Myth (神话)
A sub-objective post-viewing analysis (spoilers inclusive)

There are movies which defy classification. This is one of them. Unfortunately, for this case, it is not a good thing. Want to make a tomb raider type movie? Please do. How about a ancient china war epic? No prob. A sci-fi fantasy? Also can. But please do not make a tomb-raider-sci-fi-ancient-china-war-fantasy, with concepts like anti-gravity and space-time continuum thrown in...
Rating: 2/5

First time I've seen Jackie Chan use so many different kinds of proper weapons. By proper weapons, I do not include ladders, chairs, other people's leg/arm/head, steering wheels(Rush Hr) and other random objects that might be present in the scene of fighting. Rarely see Jackie fighting with a proper sword. And on a horse. A refreshing change.
Rating: 4/5

If you wan to use CGI (not refering to the prog lang) please make it look convincing. That scene of Jackie jumping the waterfall is....erps. The angles and trajectories are way offffffffff. The final scene in the zero gravity environment can be improved also. Remember: Throw a spear forward = you move backwards...
Rating: 2/5

Not bad. Appropriately grand and majestic. The duet by Jackie and kim hee seon is also quite nice. But how come some pieces sound disturbingly like LOTR? Must be my imagination isn't it?
Rating: 3/5

My tilt
金喜善. Haha. And for that chariot-over-the-cliff scene. Which was actually not CGI. Impressive. Hence:
Rating: 4/5

Overall: 3/5 Watchable lar. If you not the geh gao type.

posted by nwxiang at 10:14 AM |